Je perds, September 2023Paris « je perds comme des cendres perdues dans l’écume, paysage de pensée aux échelles qui semblent liermagma et rationalité, s’invitent à tour de rôle, la mer, le vide nouveau et les constructions du souvenir. je perds et je vis, autrement, à nouveau, de nouveau, différemment la mer crée tous les commencements,Continue reading “Villa belleville”
Author Archives: mariehazard
Massape projetos
January 2022Sao Paulo
March 2019Casa LuMexico City
Tati – Ghana must go
2019 – On going When I used to go to the Saint Pierre market (the main fabrics market in Paris), I would stop at the Barbès metro station, on line 4. It wasn’t always easy to walk around in that neighborhood as a 20 year-old woman, always approached, accosted, sometimes whistled at. It is unpleasant.BetweenContinue reading “Tati – Ghana must go”
Weaving & Text
In search of a language: poetry and weaving 2021 – on going project In latin, the verb texere means both to weave and to write. It gave text and textile, texto y tejido, texto e tecido, texte et textile. Weaving is writing, as much as writing is a form of weaving. Sheila Hicks has shownContinue reading “Weaving & Text”
2017Paris, France Tricot is an experimental project of different hand knitting and weaving pieces acting in the space. It has been photographed by Rebekka Deubner.
Boetti & Hazard
December 2019Marc Jancou ContemporaryRossinière, Switzerland Conversation with Charles Geoffrion Charles Geoffrion: We are in Rossinière, in Switzerland, in the Marc Jancou Chalet, just a few steps away from the Grand Chalet of Balthus Klossowski de Rola. How do you feel about showing your work on this “territory”? Marie Hazard: I don’t know Switzerland very wellContinue reading “Boetti & Hazard”
On hold
« Tout a commencé ici, dans mon atelier au sixième étage, pendant le confinement, à Paris.J’étais seule, à un moment où vraisemblablement les gens l’étaient aussi. Mes journées se répétaient: je tissais avec des fils de papier, polyester et lin. Des tissages monochromes sont apparus sur mon métier à tisser. Monochromes de couleurs noir, blanc,Continue reading “On hold”
On n’y voit rien
2022 – on going « What paintings can teach us if we can really learn to see them? What happens when we look at a painting? What do we think about? What do we imagine? How can we explain, even to ourselves, what we see or think we see? » Daniel Arasse, Take a closerContinue reading “On n’y voit rien”
Adjective in old Tupi* flourished, or a rare case of exceptional bloom *(according to the old Tupi dictionary written by Moacyr Ribeiro de Carvalho) Marie Hazard and Sophie de Mello Franco are pleased to introduce Potyra, a project conceived to contribute towards the development and well-being of children and young people in the regions ofContinue reading “POTYRA”